Understanding Your Faith

As believers in Jesus Christ, we live in a culture that is increasingly misinformed about our faith. It is important for every young follower of Jesus Christ to understand the Gospel message and the basics of our faith in Christ, that relates to the world we live in and works in every day life.




(aka Apologetics 101) – As believers in Jesus Christ, we live in a culture that is increasingly misinformed about our faith. It is important for every young follower of Jesus Christ to understand the Gospel message and the basics of our faith in Christ, that relates to the world we live in and works in every day life. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “If someone asks you about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do it in a gentle and respectful way… They will see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ.” In this course we will look at the Word of God (Bible) and the Gospel message and come to a better understanding of what we believe and why and be able to share it in an effective way with others answering some of the most common questions about the Christian faith.


Gospel 101 by Jeff Dodge