We equip students with a quality Christian education, while discovering their God-given talents and using them to impact future generations for Christ.
Grace Academy exists as a Christ-centered resource for families to reach the common goals of providing quality education, training and life enriching experiences.
We are humbled and in awe of God and all the ways He has blessed so many young people and families in our community, through the years at Grace.
We’ve learned that having a good, healthy, quality education starts with a love for learning and being faithful with what you have and where you are and God will bring about what you need next!
Bob & Susan Daniel

New Families

Current Families

Home Education
Grace Academy Tuition
K-5 Full-time Tuition $8,750
Tuition above is for 10 class periods. Students may take less, with an adjustment of $875 for each class period not taken.
6-12 Full-time Tuition $10,500
Tuition above is for 10 class periods. Students may take less, with an adjustment of $1,050 for each class period not taken.
Online Classes $1,050
High School Online Classes are $1,050 for each course, with the exception of Core Math courses are $2,100.
Costs of all textbooks, workbooks, lab and supply fees are the responsibility of the parent/student and are not included in tuition. Some classes without textbooks may be charged a customized material fee once class starts. These fees are non-refundable if you drop a class or withdraw.

financial assistance
At Grace Academy, we accept scholarships from most approved sources initiated by a family including the NC Opportunity Scholarship. This scholarship is available through the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority. More information can be found at http://www.ncseaa.edu/k12/opportunity.htm.