Spanish II (10-12)
(Prerequisite: Spanish I) – This course will expand on the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills developed in Spanish I. This course will introduce more vocabulary and grammar, verb tenses, and immerse beginning Spanish students into the language.
- Online-SPAN2
(Prerequisite: Spanish I) – This course will expand on the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills developed in Spanish I. This course will introduce more vocabulary and grammar, verb tenses, and immerse beginning Spanish students into the language. Emphasis will be placed on correct pronunciation, writing skills, and reinforcing vocabulary and language concepts.
Navegando 2 – EMC Paradigm Publishing (978-0-8219-2839-4)
Note: If the textbook or workbook is not available through the publisher, please check amazon.com or half.com. As your last resort, Grace Academy has some textbooks available to rent and workbooks to purchase.