Health / PE
This class will focus on health education, exposure to sports, learn basic exercises, and traditional PE games.
- Health education with the mentality of learning about the 5 main pillars of health: Physical, Spiritual, Social, Mental and Emotional. Students will learn the connection between faith and health.
- Exposure and skill development in sports. We will cover a variety of different sports throughout the year. In each unit, students will learn the history of the sport, experience individual development with drills and technique, understanding how the game is played with scoring and teamwork, and finally just have some fun playing.
- Learn basic exercises and workouts with a focus on form and technique while developing their 10 general physical skills: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.
- Play traditional P.E. games
- Learn and experience sports from a current culture standpoint.
Comfortable clothes for activities with tennis shoes
Water bottle
2 pocket folder