English I (9-10)

This course focuses on both grammar and literature. Students will review capitalization and punctuation rules, as well as, grammatical structures that are necessary for composing sentences, paragraphs, and essays.




This course focuses on both grammar and literature. Students will review capitalization and punctuation rules, as well as, grammatical structures that are necessary for composing sentences, paragraphs, and essays. There will also be a writing component, which will help students to edit their work and express ideas more effectively.


Easy Grammar Ultimate Series 180 Daily Teaching Lessons-Grade 9– easygrammar.com (978-0-936981-598) (This link will take you to the Teacher Edition. However, scroll down and the student edition is also available)

Below are the links for each novel for English. Please purchase a new copy. The purpose is for class unity and for students to be able to annotate while studying each novel.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt

The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories by O’Henry

supplies needed

½” 3-ring white binder

Colored pencils