American Government / Economics (11-12)

Students will develop an understanding of government through a study of our founding documents, the Constitution of the United States, the government of other countries and our government at a national, state and local levels.




(Prerequisite: American History I & 11) – Students will develop an understanding of government through a study of our founding documents, the Constitution of the United States, the government of other countries and our government at a national, state and local levels. Through discussion and research, they will learn about the development of our political system. In economics, they will learn the basic economic principles, personal finance, global economy, and the issues that are facing American today, to prepare them for their adult life.


American Government, ABeka (89281)

Economics for Everybody, Fourth Edition, Amsco School Publications (978-078918899-1)

supplies needed

1″ 3 ring binder

Blue or black ink pens
