American Government / Economics (11-12)
(Prerequisite: American History) – Students will develop an understanding of government and economics through a study of our founding documents, the Constitution of the United States, the government of foreign countries and our government at the national, state and local levels. Studies on our great leaders, important events, world-changing legislation and social programs will add texture to the course content.
- Online-AMERGOV
(Prerequisite: American History) – Students will develop an understanding of government and economics through a study of our founding documents, the Constitution of the United States, the government of foreign countries, and our government at the national, state, and local levels. Studies on our great leaders, important events, world-changing legislation and social programs will add texture to the course content. This course will also cover basic economic principles, personal finance, labor, business, the global economy, and the issues and problems facing Americans today.
Basic Principles of American Government, Revised Edition, William R. Sanford, Ph. D. & Carl R. Green, Ph. D. – AMSCO School Publications, Inc. (978-1-56765-690-9)
Economics for Everybody, Fourth Edition, Amsco School Publications (978-078918899-1)