English II Honors (9-10)

In this course there will be a study of 7 works of literature to examine not only literal content, but the figurative meaning and literary devices used by poets and authors. This course is designed for students who enjoy reading. Teacher recommendation is required.




(Prerequisite: English I or equivalent) – In this course there will be a study of 7 works of literature to examine not only literal content, but the figurative meaning and literary devices used by poets and authors. The significance of tone, mood and character development will also be studied. This course is designed for students who enjoy reading. Teacher recommendation is required. Eligible students are those currently in 9-10 English I or 9-10 English I Honors.


Easy Grammar Ultimate Series 180 Daily Teaching Lessons-Grade 10– Easygrammar.com (978-0-936981-642) (This link will take you to the Teacher Edition. However, scroll down and the student edition is also available)

Below are the links for each novel for English. Please purchase a new copy. The purpose is for class unity and for students to be able to annotate while studying each novel.

The Red Badge of Courage by Steven Crane

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

The Great Gatsby: by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Macbeth by Shakespeare

supplies needed

Loose leaf notebook paper

4 2-pocket folders with brads


Highlighters in various colors