Art 3D
This is a studio course emphasizing experimentation of form and space in three dimensions. The elements and principles of design will be stressed in all projects. Projects will focus on creating sculptures using different types of materials such as: clay, wire, paper mache, plaster and recyclables. We will discuss well-known artists with each project.
- 912-ART3D
This is a studio course emphasizing experimentation of form and space in three dimensions. The elements and principles of design will be stressed in all projects. Projects will focus on creating sculptures using different types of materials such as: clay, wire, paper mache, plaster and recyclables. We will discuss well-known artists with each project. Sketches will be required in preparation for projects. Students will learn to complete projects that start with an initial idea, complete mock-ups and final assembly. Students will require to research and deliver a presentation on an artist of their choice, approved by the teacher.
supplies needed
50-75 page spiral bound sketchbook
2 glue sticks
1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
1 roll of 1.41 inch Lime Green Scotch Rough Surface Extra Strength Painters Tape
2 black sharpies
Loose leaf paper
$20 fee for supplies